
Getting the Most Use Out of Your Video Wall

Sports on Video Wall

Audio-visual presentations are a great way to communicate with your audience. Video walls are
the perfect way to consumers at live events, in a store, or at a television studio, etc.

Video walls can be a considerable investment. They’re large and can require careful set-up. The
last thing you want is to spend a great deal of time, effort and money on a video wall that doesn’t
end up working the way you need it to.

So where do you start with the planning? Here are our tips for getting the most out of your video

Where Will It Be Used?

The first thing you need to know is where the wall will be. How much available space is there? How
far away will the audience be?

The closer your audience, the smaller the video wall you can get away with. Conversely, if you’re in
a large area and the audience is going to be far away, you’ll need a bigger display. Something set
up in a shop or at a convention might only need a grid of four screens, while an outdoor event
could need several large LED walls.

The location will also determine what kind of screens, as different screens work better in different
lighting. For example, not everything’s going to look sharp outdoors

What Are You Displaying?

Once you know where it’s going to go, you need to think about what you’re intended to show with
it. Things which will be affected by your content include:

Design. How will the audio-visual content be laid out on the video wall? If there’s going to be lots of
text, it needs to be clearly legible at whatever distance the audience is expected to be viewing it

Screen layout. If you’re going for an informative presentation, then a simple grid pattern is probably
best. But, if you want your video wall to function as a kind of art piece, you can experiment with
different screen combinations and layouts to enhance the presentation.

Is This A One-Off Use, Or Will You Use It In The Future?

What do you plan to use your video wall for in the future? Will there even be a future for it?
If you’re getting a video wall for a presentation or a convention, your best bet will be to rent one out
from a reputable source. There’s no sense buying all of the expensive equipment for it to rot in
storage — which is another consideration you’d need to factor in. Video walls are not small, and
keeping them in storage can take up valuable space and or be a costly endeavor.

But then, you may be setting up the wall as a permanent fixture in a shop. Storage costs obviously
won’t be a consideration, but you’ll want to think about maintenance, upkeep, and what you’ll do if
you redesign or move.

Speaking of cost, this actually rolls us neatly into our last point:

What’s Your Budget?

Your budget will be the deciding factor in a lot of things — how big of a wall you can get, where it
can go, and how you’ll use it. Set out a realistic budget early so you don’t waste money or fail to
get what you need.

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